
Thank you for your interest 暑期学生教职员 positons. 2024年暑期学生工作人员的申请已经结束,我们不再接受申请. We do not expect more positions to open up, as we already have a large alternate pool Please feel free to reach out to summerhousing@aproteka.com 如果你有其他问题.


社区助理:  社区助理 are responsible for maintaining a hospitable, 积极的, 在大厅里随处可见, acting primarily as an on-call and emergency response capacity. 社区助理将为在夏季期间使用宿舍的BC省夏季学生居民以及夏令营和会议客人提供支持和资源. 学生助理将在所有夏季住客居住的宿舍进行夜间查房,以解决任何设施问题, 个人, 群体需求. 

职位的承诺: On average 2-3 nightly duty shifts per week, monthly day-time meetings with supervisor and CA team; Wednesday May 15, 2024 -星期日, 8月11日, 2024.

补偿: This position provides on-campus housing.

暑期营运助理:  夏季运营助理负责作为客户服务助理,为BC学生和暑期客人解决校园住宿的所有组成部分. 这可以包括, 但不限于, 在马洛尼宿舍住宿生活暑期欢迎中心或住宿生活办公室担任行政支持, and physically preparing the residence halls for incoming and outgoing groups/students. 具体地说, this position assists with check-in/-out of guests at assigned locations, 准备和审核钥匙/门禁卡, and answering the phone and in-person questions from summer guests/students.  暑期营运助理s are also responsible to prepare rooms for occupancy, 其中包括但不限于 making beds, 提供化妆品, 重置家具, 解决设施问题. 暑期运营助理必须保持积极的态度,随时为学生和客人提供高水平的客户服务.

职位的承诺: On average 29 hours per week; Wednesday, May 15, 2024 - Thursday, August 22, 2024

补偿: This position provides on-campus housing and an hourly salary.

暑期行动协调员: 暑期行动协调员是暑期行动助理(SOA)的领导和主管。. The 夏季行动协调员s will create and maintain the staff schedule, 协助培训员工, 以及日常任务的管理. 他们将协助和共同管理业务助理的职责,其中包括, 但不限于, 住宿生活夏季欢迎中心或马洛尼宿舍生活办公室的行政支持, physically helping to prepare for incoming and outgoing groups staying on campus, 布草审核和盘点, 准备和审核钥匙/门禁卡, 和密钥包准备. 他们担任客户服务助理,协助解决BC学生和客人入住/离开校园住宿的所有组成部分,并回答当前或未来夏季客人/居民的电话和亲自提问. 另外, 夏季运营协调员负责管理团队准备入住房间, 其中包括但不限于, 协助送洗衣物, 整理床铺, 提供化妆品, 重置家具, 解决设施问题. 暑期运营协调员必须保持积极的态度,随时为学生和客人提供高水平的客户服务, and address any staff concerns in regards to customer service.

职位的承诺: On average 29 hours per week; Wednesday May 15, 2023-Friday August 23, 2024

补偿: This position provides on-campus housing and an hourly salary.

设备人员:  设施工作人员负责整个夏季至秋季开学期间宿舍内所有家具的维护. 专业的住宿生活设施团队负责监督学生设施工作人员的日常运作, all working closely to support and meet the summer housing program’s occupancy timelines. Many of the projects 通过out the summer are time-sensitive. The job involves conducting room by room inventory, 检查, 并更换所有学生生活空间和所有宿舍公共区域休息室的家具或百叶窗. 除了家具更换, 该团队将协助将家具从中央仓库和储藏室分发到宿舍. 设施工作人员将与夏季业务助理和住宿生活驻地主任工作人员合作,执行与夏令营和会议小组有关的任务.

职位的承诺: On average 29 hours per week; Wednesday May 15, 2023-Friday August 23, 2024

补偿: This position provides on-campus housing and an hourly salary.

住宅生活 Special Projects Coordinator: ResLife特别项目协调员将直接与住宿教育或住房运营助理或副主任合作,完成与夏季运营相关的必要项目, 或者为秋季学期做计划. 视部门需要而定, 协调员将被要求计划和执行部门的各种举措. These projects could include, 但不限于:

  • 协助房屋预订, 空间的变化, and other housing assignments processes for the summer and fall terms. 
  • 协助预订夏季住房, 确保他们是准确的,并协作为当前的学生和暑期团体产生适当的住房帐单. 
  • Assist with the Living Learning Community housing applications, 市场营销和招聘, and  reviewing and selecting candidates for these communities.
  • 协助组织和管理暑期迎新住宿之旅和信息资源展销会, as well as responding to students/families in regards to their housing questions. 
  • Assist with the planning, preparation and execution of summer staff training. 


职位的承诺: On average 35 hours per week; Wednesday May 15, 2024- Friday August 9, 2024.

补偿: This position provides on-campus housing and hourly salary.


电子游戏软件 Experience (BCE) Program Assistant (PA): BCE项目助理(PA)直接与BCE高中年龄的学生(14-18岁)一起工作,通过创造一个安全和友好的环境,有利于学术上富有成效的体验. 这包括提供监督, 信息, 建议, 纪律, and planning and leading social activities. 私人助理将通过与学生互动,在住宿生活社区中发挥领导作用, 指导, easing the transition to living in university dormitories by mediating roommate conflicts, and educating students about residential policies and more. PAs are tasked with guiding the day-to-day experience of BCE students by getting to know them. PAs必须是可访问的, 平易近人, 回应BCE学生,遵守BCE项目手册和电子游戏软件管理校园未成年人的政策和指导. Candidates must be open to connecting with high school-age students (14-18 years old). 希望在晚上和周末工作. The PA role is both independent and collaborative; PAs will need to work with each other as well as independently to accomplish tasks.

职位的承诺: On average 29 hours per week; Sunday, June 16, 2024 - Saturday, August 3, 2024.

补偿: This position provides on-campus housing, meal plan, laundry allotment, and hourly salary.

BCE项目协调员: BCE项目协调员与BCE项目助理(PAs)共同监督并监督宿舍的日常运作, 计划规划, 学生远足, 以及BCE学生的健康. The PC is responsible for ensuring adherence to safety practices, 未成年人保护政策, and 电子游戏软件’s residential hall policies and procedures. 他们有责任创造一个安全和好客的环境,有利于学术上富有成效的体验. 这包括提供监督, 信息, 建议, 纪律, and planning and leading social activities 通过out the program. BCE PCs will assist with the coordination of large-scale programming activities, leading and planning off-campus 学生远足, 解决学生纪律问题, 在社区中保持平易近人的存在,确保所有BCE学生的安全.个人电脑按随叫随到轮流服务. Candidates must be open to connecting with high school-age students (14-18 years). 希望在晚上和周末工作. This position will require working well on a team, 有效的计划, 组织, 以及对细节的敏锐关注.

职位的承诺: On average 40 hours per week; Sunday, June 2, 2024 -Saturday, August 3, 2024.

补偿: This position provides on-campus housing, meal plan, laundry allotment, and hourly salary.   

Summer Employment Frequently Asked Questions